Community Pets in Need

Meet Pancho!

If you are interested in rehoming an animal, please contact the owner of the pet directly by clicking on the “Email Contact” button or by calling the phone number. Thanks!


Feb 3, 2025

Age: --
Predominatly Canary Island Hound. German Shepard look but brown, I bright blue eye His name is Pancho. My name is John. He is a large, youthful and friendly dog. Looks like a Canary Island Hound (rabbit hunter) and Sheppard of several types. NO CATS, he is good with our small dog and small grandkids, just very rough and playful. He is crafty, strong and fast. My wife and I have honestly attempted to keep him. We are in our 60's and I am disabled. He is too much dog for us. He needs a large space, country residence, farm home or large fenced in backyard. I am desperate to find him a suitable home or a "no kill shelter" I will drive a considerable distance if needed. Also, will pay to have his shots and neutering if this is necessary. Thanks, John Hughes Any assistance, help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. We are just running out of options. Thank you for any efforts and your consideration.
Contact Name: John
Contact Phone: (133) 472-3637