Community Pets in Need
Meet Zoee and Toffee!
If you are interested in rehoming an animal, please contact the owner of the pet directly by clicking on the “Email Contact” button or by calling the phone number. Thanks!

Zoee and Toffee
Age: Adult Female
Zoee and Toffee are bonded, sibling female pitbull mixes, around 5 years old. Zoee is the larger of the two and probably weighs at least 75 lbs. They are very happy, sweet, loving girls. They love attention and to be petted, especially Toffee. She loves to show her affection by staying right where you are and licking you. They are high energy and like to jump but also like to lounge. They did well and loved my parents’ senior pittie who passed away last year, but otherwise have not been socialized with other dogs so I would say for now, they may not be other dog friendly and would do best in a home without other dogs or cats, or small children due to their energy level. They love running around the yard and sunning, and they also love milkbone treats. They can sit on command, are crate trained, and house trained. They do not like to be separated, Zoee especially gets upset if they are.
I am trying to find a place that will take my Mom & Dad’s dogs. My dad had to go to a nursing home recently, and my mom has been in and out of mental health hospitals and is unable to take care of anything sadly. They are also losing their home which will be foreclosed on in the next month or so because of my dad’s social security having to go to the nursing home now. I love Zoee and Toffee very much and I do not want them to go to an animal shelter because I know they will be euthanized and I just can’t condone that. I sadly can’t take them because my husband and I live in an apt in Panama City and already have a senior dog, and my sister who lives in Valdosta, GA cannot take them either because she already has 4 Great Danes, a cat, and 3 children.
Contact Name: Jen
Contact Phone: (229) 464-3709