National Help a Horse Day


Today is “National Help A Horse Day,” created to bring awareness and promote intervention of abandoned, neglected and abused horses across the country.

Today, Alaqua Animal Refuge celebrates the incredible horse. Although we provide refuge and sanctuary to many animals of all kinds on a year-round basis, we particularly have an affinity for these beautiful souls.

On a constant basis, Alaqua Animal Refuge is heavily involved in lifesaving work to care for horses at risk in our community (and around the Southeast) that have been abused or neglected, often working with law enforcement officials to prosecute the abusers and also be an effective change maker in animal welfare and animal cruelty laws in our state and country.

Join with us today to celebrate the incredible horse! And help us continue our important work by donating to the continued care of the many rescued equines in our sanctuary today, and for those that arrive tomorrow.
