Community Pets in Need

Meet Brandy!

If you are interested in rehoming an animal, please contact the owner of the pet directly by clicking on the “Email Contact” button or by calling the phone number. Thanks!


Mar 10, 2025

Age: --
Weezie is a 3 y/o pit bull rescue that started with us as a foster. The rescue fell through and we adopted her. Weezie can be aggressive towards other dogs- she is lovable, plays with our other dogs, and has never harmed a us, however she needs a home with no other dogs. We now have nine month old baby. Because of her history, local shelters won’t take her. We are desperately trying to find help as out only other option is to behaviorally euthanize. Trying everything we can first. Thanks
Contact Name: Brandy
Contact Phone: (190) 187-0227