Community Pets in Need
Meet Edgar Allen Poe & Rufus Grizwold - bunnies!
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Edgar Allen Poe & Rufus Grizwold - bunnies
Age: --
American Short Hair Rabbit & Holland Lop Rabbit
Both rabbits need to be rehomed together, are usually indoor rabbits, but can be outdoor if in proper enclosures, and both are semi litter trained.
Poe is a bit of a diva, he needs his space. He wants you to be in the same room as him, but not touch him unless he demands, and thumps and throws his bowl if feeding time is 5 minutes late.
Rufus on the other hand does not mind being held, and does require extra care with his nails, as they are not straight and grow fast.
Both loving rabbits.
Contact Name: Arlo
Contact Phone: (850) 401-2693